How to register for deliveries and collect your parcels.
Everything you need to know:
QLD (07) 3123 2862
NSW (02) 8073 4298
ACT (02) 8073 4298
VIC (03) 9034 5079
TAS (03) 9034 5079
WA (08) 6365 4675
SA (08) 6365 4675
NT (08) 6365 4675
To use the parcel locker, you must REGISTER HERE ( or visit: )
Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm AEST time – on call support.
Weekends and local public holidays: 10am to 2pm AEST– standby support.
National public holidays: CLOSED
How to register for deliveries and collect your parcels.
Everything you need to know:
Upon registration you will be asked to enter your verification code (you can find details on where to locate your code in the Information Pack you received from your building manager). Everyone in your unit/dwelling uses the same code to set up their individual accounts.
If you cannot locate your verification code, please contact your building manager or contact My Parcel Locker support: [email protected]